Today has been full of stuff and stuff.  Thanks to an idea from Tarah we made salt dough and did an art project.  It was a hit with Evette…she loved watching me make the dough, then after we made a hand print she made all sorts of things with the left over dough.

After lunch Evette played with her baby and put her to bed…later the baby had a poopie diaper and needed changed.  Evette really REALLY wanted me to see the poopie diaper.

Joshua loves to bounce around in the doughnut thingy.  It has a small mirror and he thinks it is funny when he sees the other little boy.

I really don’t have much to say, so I will just post a few photos from the last few days.

Angela and Evette decorating the tree


Lately I have been feeling old…we hit the sack after we finally get the kids down for bed.  This is normally around 8:30 to 9:00 by the time all the drama ends. (starting at 7:00)

It is funny how we try to be quiet and not make any noise for fear of waking the little ones.  Every click and creak is a scare.  The worst is if I have to clear my throat…ugh it is like an atomic blast going off.

Last night I actually got 7 hours of sleep (opposed to the 3-4 hours I have been getting)!!!  I did wake up at 12:00 2:00 4:00 and 5:00 (stayed awake at 5:00) but I was able to fall right back asleep.  Which was a REALLY nice change from waking up at 11:00 to change a diaper or just rock back to sleep…then again at 1:00 to stay up until 4:00.  I can’t really complain though.  Angela is the one being called out to and she is the one that is doing all the work…and then she gets up at 6:00 to get ready for her job so she has time to do Evette’s hair and get her dressed.  Coffee has become a must in the mornings…I used to like it, but now I “need” it. 

Routines have become a wonderful reality.

I REALLY cannot wait until she can quit her job and she can be full time mommy.  It is ironic that I want to be at work to provide and she wants to be at home to provide.  Things will change in the near future (Lord willing).

Evette and I have fun during the day inventing new games (rocket and ready-set-go) and she is super helpful with the G-man.

I am grateful that my current clients like kids and understand our situation.  I showed a $650,000 house with both kids in tow, and even changed a diaper on the floor.  It was hard for Evette not to play with all the cool toys, and she quickly saw a bicycle outside.  I thought she was telling me it was her bike, but soon realized that it was a Dora bicycle and it matched her shirt.

Well I have ignored the kids long enough…back to eating block cookies and seeing what new noises I can teach JiJi.

We have had a very busy week and weekend.

We had Michelle and Autumn over for play time (and to help Ben figure out what else to do…you can only dance, play blocks and make shapes in the carpet so many times in one day) 


Well a week has passed…and nothing has changed on the information front.


I don’t have time to type up what is going on, or even post photos, but just be praying.  We are hopeful that the agencies involved will do the right thing for the kids.



Saturday morning as I was cooking breakfast the phone rang…shortly after we picked up the kiddos (Joshua and Evette) to stay with us for the weekend.

This is what our house turned in to:


It was (and still is (as I am typing this on Sunday night, Angela and Evette are singing the ABC song and Joshua is humming along)) a blast.  It is amazing how tiring 2 little ones can be, and I know that these two are very well behaved and are “easy” kids. 

Here are some other photos from the last 2 days (well from today, I didn’t break out the camera till this morning):


Lists…are a wonderful thing.  My mom used to tell me to make a list, and I never did.  I hated the thought of writing a list.


The list of things that I am thankful for is WAY long…

– I am thankful for family and friends the most.  The older I get the more important relationships are.  Having fun, is being with loved ones now.  It doesn’t matter what we are doing or where we are, as long as we are together, being real…that is what is important.

– I am thankful for the opportunities there are to keep the bills paid and food in the fridge.  I am thankful that even though things don’t go as planned…it is still ok.  There is a reason, or if there doesn’t seem to be a reason, we know that we need to move forward on to other things. 

“If you are focused on the past, you can’t see what lies ahead”

There are plenty of things of things to be dissapointed about, but what is the point of focusing on them?

– I am thankful that life is an adventure and each day is a new day to accomplish …STUFF!!!

– I am thankful that we are free to live with out guilt or regret.  (Romans 8:2)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and remember all the things we have to be thankful for long past today.


We would like to introduce you to Autumn Teresa.  She was born 11/16/2007 at 5:52pm.

20.5 inches and 7 pounds 2 ounces

Congratulations Michelle, Ken, Marisa and Ethan!!!!



The other night we had our friends and family adoption awareness class…it was a huge success!!!

Of all the people that showed up, 75% or so were our friends and family.  Thank you all for your support and taking the time to be there with us!

I also want to say that the Herdegens did a wonderful job…you guys really stepped up to the plate and hit a home run.

As we move forward the love from all of you will be a huge blessing. This has been and will continue to be an adventure… thanks for being a part of it with us.