The list of things that I am thankful for is WAY long…

– I am thankful for family and friends the most.  The older I get the more important relationships are.  Having fun, is being with loved ones now.  It doesn’t matter what we are doing or where we are, as long as we are together, being real…that is what is important.

– I am thankful for the opportunities there are to keep the bills paid and food in the fridge.  I am thankful that even though things don’t go as planned…it is still ok.  There is a reason, or if there doesn’t seem to be a reason, we know that we need to move forward on to other things. 

“If you are focused on the past, you can’t see what lies ahead”

There are plenty of things of things to be dissapointed about, but what is the point of focusing on them?

– I am thankful that life is an adventure and each day is a new day to accomplish …STUFF!!!

– I am thankful that we are free to live with out guilt or regret.  (Romans 8:2)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and remember all the things we have to be thankful for long past today.